In Response: Patricia Sweetow



We’re all deeply concerned how this crisis is affecting so many lives, loved ones and communities throughout the world. I’ve tried many times to find words to express something meaningful, only to find with each attempt I come up woefully bankrupt. Maybe it’s because what I want to say, all the comfort I want to impart is better expressed by the experience art can offer, whether visual, performing, literary, music …

With this view, I’ve asked the artists I work with to offer their views of whether art matters in times of crisis? Also to comment upon how their art & art practice has been altered. I’ll be presenting those responses along with any other thoughts they wish to share on a weekly basis. Images of their recent or in-process work are also included, sometimes amounting to a full exhibition, other times details, sketches, candid moments.
Please enjoy, stay safe, stay healthy!!

Thank you Julia Couzens for your generous assistance with this project!!