
Stanford University Awards Commission to Gail Wight

 We are honored to announce Stanford University has awarded a significant commission for the new Bass Biology Building to experimental media artist Gail Wight. The commission is a large scale photo-collage, approximately 600 square feet, titled Pacific Cadence. The installation will coincide with the opening of the bullding Fall 2018.  

The photo-collage extends across the Entry Lobby, the sliding glass doors of the Large Conference Room and the exterior windows of the Conference Room. When approaching the building from Discovery Walk, the imagery comprises one long  and undulating oceanic surface. 

The exterior windows of the small conference room have a secondary treatment of “switchable glass.” This material will slowly fog and clear with the application of electricity. connected to a live digital tidal clock, the glass with its oceanic imagery will be opaque at high tide and clear at low tide, slowly fluctuating between the two. In this way, the entryway brings the ebb and flow of Hopkins Marine Station into the daily rhythms of the Bass Biology Building.


Update: The Commission is Installed!!