
Markus LinnenbrinkEVERYTHINGEVERYWHEREALLTHETIME / 2009 / Installation View

Markus LinnenbrinkCHINESEDRAGONCHASINGITSOWNTAIL / 2009 / epoxy resin on panel / 24 X 60 inches

Markus LinnenbrinkEVERYTHINGEVERYWHEREALLTHETIME / 2009 / Installation View 2

Press Release

PATRICIA SWEETOW GALLERY is pleased to announce our fourth solo exhibition, EVERYTHINGEVERYWHEREALLTHETIME, with German artist Markus Linnenbrink. In our project room will be five paintings by Lauren Cohen. Exhibition dates are November 5 through December 19, 2009. Reception is Thursday, November 5, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.

German artist Markus Linnenbrink is recognized for his dazzling exploration of material, process, and color. In his exhibition EVERYTHINGEVERYWHEREALLTHETIME, Linnenbrink will present drilled and poured epoxy resin paintings, with one landscape floor sculpture seven feet in length.

Linnenbrink’s new paintings are intuitive mediations between his foiled, air-brushed underpainting, and vertically poured bands of color. The epoxy resin forms a tactile, textured surface saturated with iridescent color, contrasted against opaque and translucent vertical striping. Along with the drip paintings are large format drilled paintings in eye-popping metallic and florescent pigments.

In describing his process, Kenneth Baker offers this insight, “Thoughts of the stripe paintings of Morris Louis (1912-1962) and Gene Davis (1920-1985) may arise. But Linnenbrink really belongs not to the color field lineage but within a much longer modernist research into the dialectic of intention and chance, of spontaneity and deliberation, in art practice.”

Linnenbrink’s sculpture has taken a dramatic shift from the rectangular shape, pushing the material into new morphologies. Taking form from a hand-built mold that distorts as material is cumulatively introduced, the sculpture transforms as it grows over several months. The result is a landscape of canyons, with rising layers of color, expanding to seven sprawling feet of folds, angles and peaks.

Linnenbrink garnered attention in the U.S. and Europe with wall paintings at the UCLA Hammer Museum, the Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, the Kunstmuseum in Bonn, and Haus Esters, Krefeld. Over 50 works are in public collections which include the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art; UCLA Hammer Museum; The Hague Ministry of Culture, the Netherlands; Museum Neue Galerie, Kassel; Museum Katharinenhof, Kranenburg; Kunsthalle Recklinghausen; Herzliya Museum of Art, Israel, and Clemens-Sels-Museum, Neuss.